UAE’s efforts to protect users

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country that places a great deal of importance on cybersecurity. As a result, the UAE has become a leader in cybersecurity in the Middle East and beyond. The UAE's commitment to cybersecurity is reflected in its comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, which includes both legal and technical measures to protect users. In 2017, the UAE launched its National Cybersecurity Strategy, which outlines the country's approach to cybersecurity. The strategy has four main pillars: a secure cyberspace, a strong cyber defense, cyber smart society, and cyber excellence. The goal of the strategy is to create a safe and secure digital environment for individuals, businesses, and government entities in the UAE. One of the key components of the strategy is the establishment of the UAE Computer Emergency Response Team (aeCERT), which is responsible for detecting, responding to, and preventing cyber threats. aeCERT works closely with government agencies, private c...