Be kind to yourself today

 Some days are hard, we get it. You miss a deadline. You get sick. Your colleague makes an offensive remark. You feel like you’re falling behind — at work, at life, at everything. In moments like these, what do you tell yourself?

Research suggests that one of the most effective ways to alleviate stress, worry, and general anxieties about our life is to practice more deliberate kindness and self-compassion. When you say affirming things to yourself, or look beyond the difficult moment toward the bigger picture, it draws your attention away from what you can’t control and pushes you to focus on what you can. In turn, you’re likely to understand what you need to cultivate more joy, gratitude, and satisfaction in your life.

But let’s be honest: Being kind to yourself is easier said than done. How do you become more intentional about self-compassion? What do “good thoughts” really look like? How can we empower you to believe that you’re truly awesome?


You’re worth taking care of, no matter what your brain might tell you.

It’s not selfish to show up for yourself.

Cry and crumble. It’s okay.

You’ve dealt with tough times before. You will do it again.

It’s not your job to please everyone. But there is one person you need to stand by: yourself.


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