In the living room, the figure is also taken care of

 If you change some bad habits that this environment encourages, you will be able to increase the fun and improve your health.

Probably this is the one of all the places in the house where we spend our time, the one where we are the most. Here you will usually find the computer, the TV and the armchairs in which we usually get to read a book.

Few modern inventions have harmed both health and television. We barely move when we are glued to the screen, and in each advertising cut we are tempted by images of greasy and sugary foods. Therefore, the next time you settle in the living room armchair and press the "power" button on the remote control, keep these tips in mind.

  • Make a list of tasks during the advertising cuts. Ten minutes before your favorite program starts, make a list of five tasks - no more than two minutes each - that you can carry out during the advertisements. The list may include occupations such as accommodating the magazine rack, watering the plants, lifting the plates from the table or putting the flea pipette on the dog. Performing these small tasks will help you move around the house, and distraction will keep you away from unhealthy food.
  • I left the remote control. Do you remember when the TVs didn't have a remote control and changing the channel or adjusting the volume forced you to get up from the couch? Take the batteries to the remote control or hide it in a drawer and that will keep you more active.
  • Forget about dinners in front of the TV. If you love taking dinner to the living room to eat watching the news or a movie, I immediately broke up with that habit. Researchers discovered that the more people watch television during dinner, they eat more and worse, acquire bad eating habits and are more exposed to advertisements that promote unhealthy foods that sabotage diets. In front of the TV, the power goes into the background and we are not fully aware of what we are doing while the family dialogues are in the background. Research carried out by the University of Birmingham showed that those who eat concentrated in the taste and texture of their food resort less to other meals during the day, which can have very positive impacts on their health.
  • I kept the snacks as far away from the armchair as possible. Storing French fries, cookies or other snacks near the TV predisposes you to eat unhealthy food without even thinking about it. On the other hand, if you keep them at the bottom of the cupboard, you will have to get up and look for them, and when you pass in front of the kitchen fruit bowl you will become aware that an apple is a healthier option.
  • Brush your teeth after dinner.Many people who succeed with their diet confess that brushing their teeth is their secret weapon for losing weight. Doing so reduces the temptation to eat ice cream or chocolates while watching TV.
  • I ate baked potatoes, not fried. If the temptation to watch your favorite show eating French fries is inevitable, at least prepare them in the oven. While a serving of normal fries (one cup) contains 150 calories and 10 grams of fat, the same amount baked contains 110 calories and 1.5 grams of fat. Just remember not to eat more than you would eat if they were fried. Exchange the TV hours. Scientists say that the more people watch television, the more they eat.
  • Review the schedule of each night, identify a program you would like to watch and cross it out of your night plans. Instead, I went for a walk, walk the dog or call a friend you haven't seen in a long time. Exercise and social connection will make your body and your mood better than a detective program, and the refreshments that accompany it.
  • I had my hands busy. Sometimes we end up smoking or eating foods that make you fat simply because we want to have our hands busy. To avoid it, I sewed that button that was missing from your shirt days ago, put in order the bills you have to pay or I ted something for the winter. The more focused you are on your hobby, the less likely you are going to "get something." I snead some elastic bands under the armchair. These latex elastic bands, on sale in sports goods stores, can help you exercise virtually any part of your body, even while watching TV. Do one end on the leg of the armchair and the other on your ankle, and then try to stretch your leg to exercise this part of the body. I repeated 8 to 12 times and changed my leg.


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