
Showing posts from November, 2022

Foods that cure: chocolate

I discovered all its properties and learned how to taste it better. Where does it come from? Chocolate is made with the grains present in the pods that grow in the cocoa tree, of perennial leaves, native to the valleys of South America. Such was the value given to it by the natives of Central and South America that these grains were used as currency. It all starts with the cocoa grain. First of all, it is toasted to accentuate the flavor and color of the chocolate; the peel is removed, leaving only the almond and ground to obtain the cocoa liquor. Then, it is pressed to extract the cocoa butter, resulting in a solid mass called cocoa cake, which is dried and sifted to obtain cocoa powder. Finally, by mixing the cocoa powder, with the cocoa butter, sugar and milk you get the chocolate The more cocoa it has, the more bitter and intense the flavor will be, since the increase in the cocoa content, there is no room for sugar. White chocolate doesn’t actually contain cocoa powder, but cocoa

UAE’s government always cares about their people!

 President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed has ordered debt relief for 1,214 Emiratis ahead of the country’s 51st National Day. The Non-performing Debt Relief Fund announced on Tuesday that 17 banks and financial institutions had waived the debts, which amounted to more than Dh500 million ($136.1 million). Since its establishment, the fund has co-operated with national banks to address the issues and concerns of citizens and provide them with the means of a decent standard of life.

Chief executives are weirder than ever

Celebrities bosses   used to have nicknames that made a virtue of short fuses and brutality. “Chainsaw Al” and “Neutron Jack” sounded more like wrestlers than men in suits. That kind of moniker would jar today. Inclusivity and empathy are what matter: think “Listening Tim” and “Simpatico Satya”. But just because chief executives seem more normal does not mean that they actually are. The demands of the job require an ever-stranger set of characteristics. In some ways the path to the top of the corporate pyramid is unchanged. It requires people to compete with each other over an extended period. It demands evidence of financial and operational success. It uses the prospect of money—lots of it—as a lever to incentivise ambitious people. And it selects for familiar traits: hard work, impatience, self-confidence and extroversion. If you would rather stay in and watch “The Great British Bake Off” than wine and dine clients, the role is not for you. A recent study by Steve Kaplan of the Unive

The magic of pets

 These furry friends increase your physical and emotional well-being. Having a pet doesn’t just mean fun. Research has shown that living with an animal can give us greater overall happiness, reduce our stress, motivate us to exercise more and improve our quality of life. Many people adopt pets to have company. After all, animals offer us unconditional loyalty. Money can’t buy that special feeling of getting home and that the dog shakes his tail when he sees it, or that the cat curls up on his lap and purrs placidly. These daily joys remind us that we should take things more calmly in our busy and stressful life. Studies indicate that pets can even lower high blood pressure and stabilize blood cholesterol levels, as well as reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Animal owners go to medical consultations up to 15 percent less than people who do not have pets. Surveys conducted by the University of Western Australia reveal that more than 70 percent of pet owners say that they ne

Department of Health , US-based Eversight partner to establish UAE’s first Eye and Tissue Bank

 The Department of Health — Abu Dhabi (DoH), the regulator of the healthcare sector in the Emirate, and US-based Eversight, one of the leading non-profit eye banks in the world, partnered to establish the UAE’s first Eye and Tissue Bank. The Agreement will witness the creation, development and operation of a comprehensive and seamless eye transplantation framework in the UAE. Through this strategic collaboration, DoH and Eversight will set the building blocks across three phases which include programme design, implementation and management. In its early stages, both entities will focus on implementing the necessary arrangements for the Eye and Tissue Bank — Abu Dhabi to serve as an importer for corneas and other eye-related tissues into the region. In addition to integrating the eye and tissue banking programme into the UAE’s National Programme for Organ Donation and Transplantation. For its part, Eversight will develop a comprehensive medical framework to standardise and operate proce

You Don’t Need to Meet Every Qualification to Apply for a Job

  If you are a recent college graduate, chances are you have taken several classes that you believe will help prepare you for your first job. Unfortunately, most of what you need to succeed in your work involves skills you never took a class to acquire. And that can complicate the application process. When you look at the qualifications for entry-level jobs, many of the items on the list may be things you have not yet encountered. Even when your new job involves technical skills  that were covered in your classes, your future employer will likely use tools you haven’t seen before and rely on processes that go beyond what you studied. However, and this is important, just because you don’t have all of the qualifications doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply for that job. One story I tell in my book,  Bring Your Brain to Work , is that my oldest son, who was right out of college, was given an opportunity to apply for a position at a firm that normally was given to people with a few years of ex

UAE-US agreement to unify data transfer and employment efforts

 UAE adopts the strengthening of international cooperation and partnerships aimed at supporting the process of global development and development, which will reflect positively on the lives of societies. This came during a meeting with a US government delegation. During the meeting, the two sides stressed the importance of unifying global efforts to transfer and employ data in the best way, enhancing the use of advanced technology, artificial intelligence solutions and various modern digitization tools in enhancing data sharing, exploring new opportunities, and finding the best solutions to challenges, which supports readiness for the future and active participation in promoting the global development process. The joint statement on cross-border data transfer, storage, collection and smooth transfer of data was signed by the parties, ensuring global digital development. His Excellency Omar Sultan Al Olama said: The strategic relations between the UAE and the United States reflect the c

In the living room, the figure is also taken care of

  If you change some bad habits that this environment encourages, you will be able to increase the fun and improve your health. Probably this is the one of all the places in the house where we spend our time, the one where we are the most. Here you will usually find the computer, the TV and the armchairs in which we usually get to read a book. Few modern inventions have harmed both health and television. We barely move when we are glued to the screen, and in each advertising cut we are tempted by images of greasy and sugary foods. Therefore,  the next time you settle in the  living room  armchair  and press the "power" button on the remote control,  keep these tips in mind . Make a list of tasks during the advertising cuts.  Ten minutes before your favorite program starts, make a list of five tasks - no more than two minutes each - that you can carry out during the advertisements. The list may include occupations such as accommodating the magazine rack, watering the plants, l

Revitalizing Culture in the World of Hybrid Work

 Two-plus years into the pandemic, many leaders worry that remote and hybrid work are undermining their organizations’ culture. Their concerns aren’t entirely misplaced: A 2022 global study by the research and advisory firm Gartner found that just 25% of remote or hybrid knowledge workers feel connected to their company’s culture. But forcing employees back to the office is risky, as CEOs including Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon have discovered firsthand. Companies should take another tack. “I find it ironic when leaders say they need to bring workers back to the office because of culture,” says Alexia Cambon, a research director in Gartner’s HR practice and a principal author of the study. “They’re going to get the opposite of what they hope for. Instead of viewing hybrid work as a disruption to the cultural experience, leaders should see it as an opportunity to build culture differently.” Culture can be evaluated on the basis of two components, Cambon explains: alignment (meaning that emp

The UAE is one of the best destination for work!

 In the year 2022, the UAE established its position as one of the most attractive and attractive countries in the world for those wishing to settle and work in it. Many international reports issued during the current year highlighted the quality of living conditions provided by the country, which prompted millions around the world to place it as the first choice for residency and starting their working lives. The reports listed a number of factors that enhanced the attractiveness of the UAE, particularly economic growth, security and stability, advanced infrastructure, and the nature of laws guaranteeing individual freedom and dignity, in addition to high levels of health, education and entertainment services. Definitely one of my first options to immigrate!

Be kind to yourself today

  Some days are hard, we get it. You miss a deadline. You get sick. Your colleague makes an offensive remark. You feel like you’re falling behind — at work, at life, at everything. In moments like these, what do you tell yourself? Research suggests that one of the most effective ways to alleviate stress, worry, and general anxieties about our life is to practice more deliberate kindness and self-compassion. When you say affirming things to yourself, or look beyond the difficult moment toward the bigger picture, it draws your attention away from what you can’t control and pushes you to focus on what you can. In turn, you’re likely to understand what you need to cultivate more joy, gratitude, and satisfaction in your life. But let’s be honest: Being kind to yourself is easier said than done. How do you become more intentional about self-compassion? What do “good thoughts” really look like? How can we empower you to believe that you’re truly awesome? Remember: You’re worth taking care of,

UAE is committed partner for climate actions

 Tom Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture, has affirmed that the UAE is a firm and committed partner for climate action and is in their very interest to steward climate-smart agriculture and food systems innovation globally. He added that in the agricultural sector, innovative products and methods have enabled the nation to turn deserts into farms. Regarding the importance of the COP27 climate conference, Vilsack said, “I’m excited to be in Egypt and participate in COP27 as it gives us an opportunity, as the United States Department of Agriculture, to share US knowledge and experience on the global stage in climate-smart agricultural practices. I believe it is an opportunity for us to work with our Aim for Climate Ministerial (AIM) for Climate co-lead, the UAE, and our growing network of over 275 partners, to spur innovation in climate-smart agriculture and food systems, to sustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes, promote regenerative and sustainable pract

UAE’s president in G20 in Indonesia

President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan participated in the main session of the G20 Summit which started today in Bali, Indonesia. In a speech to the summit attendees, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed began by thanking Indonesia for its presidency of the G20 and its efforts in leading and coordinating the group’s work. He then conveyed his best wishes to India as it prepares to take over the presidency next year. His Highness then turned to the topic of the session, which was titled ‘Food and Energy Security,’ stating, “We in the UAE believe that a balanced approach is the most successful in achieving sustainability. “The UAE is committed to its responsible role in energy markets, including its priorities in the clean energy sector.“ “We have reflected this commitment with investments worth $50 billion in clean energy in more than 40 countries around the world.” “We are also committed to harnessing the UAE’s global trade network, aviation capabilities, and advanced logisti

UAE’s novel initiative to crystalise industry’s future

 The UAE has risen as a global hub for forecasting the future of the media industry worldwide, after putting in decades-worth of efforts to host and actively contribute to the success of international events and forums in the sector, and be home to the head offices of some of the world’s largest and most prestigious media institutions. UAE is continuing to add success stories to its track record and expanding its pivotal role in reshaping the contemporary media landscape and nipping future challenges in the bud, through launching a series of annual global events and platforms for boosting knowledge and experience exchange and international cooperation. Media cities in the UAE have succeeded in attracting local, regional and international media project owners, encouraging them to establish headquarters in the country, and to contribute to providing technical innovations and experiences in various forms of visual, audio, print and digital content. The country includes several free media

The Third Pole-Himalayan climate action

 The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE), in collaboration with Arctic Circle, hosted an open dialogue on the “Third Pole Process” at the sidelines of the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), being held until 18th Novermber in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. In June 2022, MOCCAE and Arctic Circle launched the Third Pole Process as a comprehensive effort to present the Arctic model of collaboration to the Third Pole-Himalayan region, in an attempt to mitigate the threats of melting glaciers and water insecurity, aggravated by climate change. The Third Pole region is a term that denotes the geographic vicinity of the Himalaya, which includes India, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and several countries in Central Asia. The Process is marked by milestone moments through a series of Arctic Circle Assemblies in Iceland and Arctic Circle Forums in other countries. The Arctic Circle Abu Dhabi Forum is set to run in January 2023 as par

UAE unveils National Net Zero by 2050 pathway at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh

 As part of its participation in the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), held in the Egyptian city of Sharm El Sheikh from 6th to 18th November, the UAE launched the National Net Zero by 2050 Pathway, which sets the timeframe and identifies the mechanisms of implementing the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative, introduced in October 2021. The pathway defines the country’s climate ambition with an absolute emission reduction target of 18 percent compared to the UAE’s updated second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement by 2030, 60 percent by 2040, and 100 percent by 2050, compared to 2019. The strategy development comprises two phases. The first phase, completed in September 2022, defined the National Net Zero by 2050 Pathway. This stage included benchmarking to identify best practices in the field in similar and developed countries, establishing an emission baseline, assessing the impact of existing national strategies (energy, water, demand ma

For UAE climate action is an essential

 UAE has an urgent priority for achieving sustainable economic growth in the region. Climate issues are of global concern. The international community must take all necessary measures to recover from climate impacts, and promote investments in climate finance and environment-friendly projects such as clean energy and green infrastructure, to achieve sustainable economic and social development. COP27, which is being held from 6th to 18th November and hosted by Egypt in Sharm El-Sheikh, is focussed on devising implementable mechanisms to achieve climate targets through legislations, policies, and programmes devised by the Paris Agreement. The “Finance Day”, held on the sidelines of COP27, included 13 sessions that discussed means of combating climate change, sustainable finance, and the transition to green economy.

e& commits to net-zero operations by 2030

 e& today declared its net-zero targets by 2030, during the Group’s participation at the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27), currently taking place in Egypt, aimed at reducing carbon emissions across its operations and accelerating its efforts to contribute to global climate action. The global technology and investment conglomerate has pledged its commitment to achieving net-zero within its Group’s operations in the UAE for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, focusing on key initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint through improving energy efficiency and sourcing renewable energy among other initiatives. To reach net-zero emissions, e& is committed to accelerating the de-carbonisation of activities while focusing on mobile network modernisation with the deployment of the latest generation of energy-efficient radio equipment (both hardware and software), increased use of renewable energy sources and carbon offsetting initiatives that are vital to achieve targets.

UAE’s Biggest Clean-Energy Firm Looks at Deals in US, Europe

 The United Arab Emirates’ biggest renewable-energy company will make acquisitions and sell bonds as part of a plan to more than double its operations this decade and help the country achieve a net-zero target. Masdar is interested in acquisitions of power firms in places such as the US and Europe, Chief Executive Officer Mohamed al Ramahi said in an interview at the COP27 climate summit in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. Masdar is owned by Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., wealth fund Mubadala and Taqa, the emirate’s main utility. It recently bought UK-based Arlington Energy, a developer of battery-energy storage. It also signed a memorandum of understanding earlier this year to buy a stake in a BP Plc-led project to make green, or carbon-free, hydrogen in Teeside in the north of England.

Having a "diary of happiness" will help you live better

  Life under the pandemic cloud had taken its toll on me. Some of my friends had vanished, leaving me sad. Disappointments about the way my government responded to the pandemic made me a resentful person. The people around me had noticed these emotional changes.  My husband asked me if I could complain less, since he took the worst part of my frustration. I began to see that I was turning into a caricature of a sad person that I didn't want to be. My lack of pleasure really hit me when my family was on vacation on a road trip.  I usually love to travel, but on this particular occasion, while looking out the window at the beautiful landscape of northern Arizona, I realized that I didn't feel anything. Intellectually, I could see the reasons for feeling pleasure, but the feelings themselves were not there. After searching the Internet and self-diagnosing for a mild case of anhedonia (the inability or decrease in the ability to feel pleasure), I came across a blog post that recomm

Tom Barrack found not guilty on foreign lobbying charges

  Tom Barrack, a longtime ally of former President   Donald Trump   and his one-time inaugural committee chairman, was found not guilty on Friday of illegal foreign lobbying charges, a defeat for federal prosecutors in Brooklyn who accused the billionaire businessman of improperly acting as a foreign agent on behalf of the United Arab Emirates. After a trial that stretched nearly two months and saw testimony from two former Trump administration officials, a jury of five men and seven women reached the verdict after deliberating over three days. Barrack was acquitted on all charges, which included conspiracy, obstruction, and lying to the FBI. Barrack himself took the stand in his own defense for six days to defend himself against each of the charges against him. He spent hours explaining to the jury his longstanding business ties to UAE and how he sought to broker a relationship with the Trump campaign and the Middle East.

Skin cycling. The celebrities secret

There are some simple rules of beauty that are practically a given at this point — we all know how important it is to cleanse regularly, moisturize and always apply SPF. But when you start adding more products, like anti-aging serums or exfoliants, it gets a little more complicated. You may be asking: What time should I apply each one? And what's the best order to apply them in? With all these variables, we sometimes wish that there was just a simple beauty formula to follow. Recently, we've seen a trend going around on TikTok that seems like it could be just that. Skin cycling is essentially a four-night skin care regimen that you repeatedly cycle through to simplify your routine and potentially reduce inflammation from active ingredients. Videos featuring the #skincycling tag have 90 million collective views on the app. One person said that it "transformed" their "sensitive acne prone skin" and another claimed that it made their skin "look the best it

Presidents of UAE and US meet virtually to discuss joint initiative to accelerate energy transition

 President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, met virtually today with United States President Joseph R. Biden Jr. The two leaders reaffirmed the depth of the U.S.-UAE strategic relationship and addressed global challenges including energy security. In the meeting, the two leaders highlighted the just announced comprehensive UAE-US initiative to accelerate the energy transition, advance shared climate goals and strengthen global energy security. They noted the importance of a rapid and well-managed energy transition and its potential to create expanded economic opportunities and drive more sustainable growth. Both leaders also shared their common interests in stabilizing the global energy market and in increasing their investments in renewable energy and pledged to deepen their close cooperation. President Sheikh Mohamed outlined the UAE’s significant ongoing investments to lower carbon impact on the energy sectors of both conventional and renewable energy.

UAE and clean energy

 UAE launched a clear energy strategy in 2017, and there have been radical developments in the energy sector over the past five years. He explained that clean energy prices in the UAE are the lowest in the world. UAE has a clear and ambitious approach in diversifying energy sources and pushing the transition to clean ones forward, pointing out that the country is moving forward with the implementation of the National Energy Strategy 2050 through ambitious projects. UAE is the only country in the region that has peaceful nuclear energy, and we have four plants in Barakah. UAE has plans to expand renewable energy and implement new projects in fields such as hydrogen energy, solar energy, hydropower and waste-to-energy, while studying solutions that can be followed regarding traditional methods of producing electricity. UAE seeks to support the low-carbon hydrogen industry by creating a clear regulatory system supported by policies, incentives, standards and certificates, and providing ad

UAE and USA sign partnership to catalyse $100 billion of investment in renewable energies

 President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has witnessed the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the UAE and the US to accelerate the energy transition, advance shared climate goals and strengthen global energy security. The UAE-US Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE), which will catalyse US$100 billion in financing and other support in addition to deploying 100 new gigawatts (GW) of clean energy in the US, UAE and emerging economies around the world by 2035. Both countries recognised that a rapid, sustainable and well-managed energy transition is critical to successful climate action, as well as to enhancing global energy security and affordability. The UAE also is supporting and implementing clean energy projects on six continents, including in 31 small island-developing states in both the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean. In the US, the UAE has backed eight clean energy projects totaling 1.6 GW across California, Texas, New Mexico and